Friday, December 27, 2019
Television and Cinema
Sample details Pages: 34 Words: 10205 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Television mocking its big brother Cinema? Through parody is television mocking its big brother Cinema or is simply feeding the post-modern society? Artistic achievement has, in most societies, usually seen as one of the highest goals for its citizens with artists held in highest esteem in society. The Classical civilizations of Rome and Ancient Greece are rightly regarded as artistic highlights of world civilizations due to the unprecedented status given to artists of all trades: poets, painters, bards, actors, sculptors and musicians. This respect for excellence in the arts still exists today However modern art is unfortunately too often derided as a thing of paltry significance as compared to the great artists of the past. FPeriods of high accomplishment such as Ancient Greece or the Renaissance are rightly regarded as containing such artists whose skill and mastery of their respective disciplines may rarely be emulated, if ever. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Television and Cinema | Film Studies" essay for you Create order However, is that a reason for giving up on modern artistic output? After all, the twentieth century was that of Pollock, Rockwell and Hockney. But lest we forget, in the annals of history, it is doubtful that the past 100 years will be remembered for their contribution to age-old art forms such as painting or sculpture. Instead, it seems likely and indeed fair that the 20th century will be remembered for the creation, popularization and investigation of the audio-visual arts of cinema and television. From the first shots of the train moving out of Carpentras station, cinema has moved the hearts and minds of millions. The 20th century was witness to the greatest technological advancements in human history and artistic output followed suit. After the silent pictures of the 1900s first captures audiences to the first black-and-white talkies, cinematic progress could never be checked. From success to success, people round the world would be enchanted by Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, awed by Harryhausens special effects, moved by Gone With The Wind and horrified by Birth Of A Nation. Every decade would bring an advancement in cinematic output, something which would revolutionize the industry once again and bring new generations into cinemas. These constant progressions in cinema would take place at a far faster rate than in other arts due to several important factors. First of all, the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th-century had sent technological development across the world into a tail-spin which impacted cinema very positively by providing studios with a constant stream of new machinery, effects possibilities. The knock-on effect from this was of course that a steady stream of technicians would be trained and employed by the great studios. We will be analyzing the hiring and firing practices of the studio moguls as compared to the lifelong television employees further on in this dissertation. Another great reason for the appeal of cinema would be the characters contained within it. The glamour of Hollywood until the 1940s would make audiences dream across five continents up to the present day. The gritty reality of much of todays cinematic output had not even been imagined and movies were used to make people dream of a greater life. We will use this opportunity to further analyze the setting-up of the movie studios, the Jewish origins of most of the moguls and the taste of Americana they injected into their projects later on. Furthermore, we will draw up a detailed comparison between the early days of both film and television, analyzing which tactics worked better in the battles for a limited audience. Even horrifying world events such as World War II would provide the film industry with invigoration as Hollywood and the pre-war German film studios would engage in a rivalry, the like of which has rarely been seen in the arts. With the Hollywood ban on exporting American films to the Third Reich, the motivation for German film-makers was extraordinary and names such as Murnau and Lang emerged as major players on the world cinema scene. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of them fled Germany during or after the war to seek new lives in Hollywood. Many failed but some met with varying measures of success, the greatest legacy of this time possibly contained in Fritz Langs masterpiece Metropolis, the ominous skyline filled with skyscrapers working as a tribute to Langs first impressions of seeing New York harbour from far out at sea. However, even from that darkest period of human history has emerged some of the most shocking and lasting pieces of film. The films shot by the Allied forces of the Nazi concentration camps have proved perhaps the most important factor of documentary cinema. Beyond the artistry, beyond the emotional impact, cinema has provided humankind with an unlimited opportunity to document its own history, both good and bad. An opportunity television executives would notice and pick up on. Even today, the claims made by CNN and BBC such as We are there as the news happens stem from the passion for news-stories instilled in people during the World War when small news flashes shown as previews before films in movie theatres were the only pictures civilians at home had of the war outside of newspapers. These propagandistic items were of course good for morale and television would soon enter into the fray, edging cinema out to take a monopoly over showing news programs. We must also consider another important area of research. The parodying between television and cinema is a term of some ambiguity. Within this dissertation, we will also try and highlight the inherent differences between the terms of parody and emulation. As per rivalry in any kind of industry, some actions that may seem to be a parody of existing practices are in fact no more than emulation, a mere attempt to capitalize on a rivals success. The concept of parody on the other hand is a very subtle one. Although television and cinema are by definition filled with some of the most acerbic minds in the world, minds quite ripe to create parody, it is somewhat nave to think that these people would be allowed to impact decisions on scheduling and programme production. Only those at the summit of their popularity would be allowed their own shows, let alone given creative control of their shows. A recent example of this happening in Britain would be So Graham Norton. However, even these shows often fail as can be demonstrated as can be seen through the antics of stars such as Liza Minnelli, John McEnroe or Anna Nicole Smith. Thus, we can observe that the concept of pure parody being used by cinema and television for its own sake is somewhat mortifying, given the massive financial risks such an undertaking would incur. However, if parody was created to feed the viewing desires of a post-modern audience, then such an action becomes more realistic. To study this, we shall take an in-depth look at the nature of todays post-modern audience and their viewing habits. In this dissertation, we will be looking in more depth at the first fledgling footsteps of both these art forms, the characters that helped build them up to their global statuses as well as two important periods in their history. The 50s and 60s where cinema and television were in direct competition through the slow transition period of the 70s and 80s into the modern-day scenario of co-operation. With this journey through time, we will be looking at trends pioneered by each of them and looking at any sharing or borrowing of ideas between the two mediums, we shall observe their long and drawn-out rivalry as well as the numerous examples of co-operation between them. The Glamour Years or the faint ridicule of cinemas golden age If 90% of leadership is showing up, then we can hardly be surprised at the manner in which the men who would become studio moguls quickly rose to the top of this brand new industry. The founders of Paramount, RKO, MGM, Fox and Warner Bros. were for the vast majority immigrants or children of immigrants who had come to America either to seek their fortune or who had grown up with the image of America as this place of opportunity. In the first two decades of the 20th century, these views were far truer than they are now but to attain what one desired when the bar was so high, a lot of hard work would have to be carried out over many years. Thankfully, hard work was what these mens families had been built on. Possessing this instinct along with a fine sense for business acumen, which some would sarcastically claim was due to their Jewish nature, Mayer, Goldwyn and the others would take the American cinematic market by storm. Before continuing, let us dispel any lingering images of these men helping each other out on their way to success. They entered a ruthless line of business where they were in direct competition and they tried everything to ruin each other, from slandering each other in the popular press to stealing actors and actresses. However, more united them than the moguls would have cared to admit. Since most of them had risen from humble beginnings, their visions of America were an embodiment of the American Dream that had influenced the migration of countless thousands from their home countries. The MGM studio, for example, would become synonymous with Technicolor musicals such as The Wizard of Oz portraying the world as a happy, bright place where everyone lived contently. The Warners would take a more active interest in social commentary but even their early efforts never went too far in criticizing a society that had offered them so much. Across the studio divide, the concepts of method acting had never even been considered and the goal of cinema was to make their actors and actresses look glamorous while portraying a style of life that would make every American dream in wonder. Why this image can be considered with a slight tint of ridicule is its existence in the middle of such troubled times. In the space of thirty years, America would fight in the two bloodiest conflicts in human history yet still, the studios churned out glossy movies, filled with beautiful dames and jolly banter. But here, once again, we strike a familiar obstacle, one that both film and television have met too many times. Too often in criticism about their history, studios or television networks are blamed for the programmes they carry or films they produce. Unfortunately, whilst they cannot be absolved of all blame, the relationship between social trends and popular entertainment is an obvious one. At a time in its history when America was fighting wars, undergoing a recession as well as Prohibition, the last thing American audiences wanted was to be served up with depressing fare that they could identify with. If another example of this is needed, look at what kind of cinema was popularized in the 50s. After the war, the film noir came of age and rose to ascendancy when American society was doing well and people felt good about themselves. A crucial fact that those who are all too quick to lay blame at the feet of the studios is that films and television programs will only be made if their creators feel they will be well-received by the general public. Televisions first faltering footsteps The intertwining and complex relationship between cinema and television cannot only be analyzed from the perspectives of programme similarity and audience sharing. Those who decided on what programmes should be commissioned, those who researched audiences to determine what kind of target audiences should be tapped, those who decided on what type of scheduling to choose at any given time of day, these television executives, producers and network directors would be the ones that would outline how television would evolve from one year to the next. As has been explained, television channels found themselves confronted with a very difficult challenge. Whereas film studios had been opened in great pomp and ceremony with the budgets of their moguls behind them thus allowing them to find their feet and carve their respective identities without a vast amount of competitive pressure placed upon them. Television did not benefit from such an auspicious start. The challenge that faced channels was to find their own identities and thus capture individual audience shares whilst fighting an uphill struggle to dislodge cinema from its spot atop the entertainment mountain. To take this would kind a special kind of organization. How could television not only catch up to cinema but also surpass it in popularity? Well, television started out with two significant advantages. Firstly, that of money. The far larger amount of broadcasting time inherent to television made it a much more viable target for financial gain than cinema which could only show any adverts to limited audiences. The commercial prospects of television soon became clear and this links us neatly with its second trump card. Throughout the 50s, televisions popularity exploded and families were rushing to buy them. The reason this had not occurred during the 1940s was that regulations concerning this new kind of entertainment were still getting sorted out and freed of problems. At the end of the 40s, television was still a luxury and commissions for TV channels had only really affected the East and West Coasts. However, in the 50s, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) decided to make the acquisition of such a commission far easier and soon, channels began appearing across the States, often broadcasting to a small area but carrying only limited-interest stories for its local people. Thus, television watching became a far more personal affair. As far as programme content, a specific identity for television developed slowly through the 50s with the launching of successful sitcoms such as I Love Lucy which carried high audience shares across the country. However, we can distinguish here the first example of a parody between two entertainment methods. Shows that were once popular on radio were being copied to television, with I Love Lucy a prime example of this. (Wikipedia, 2005) illustrates the identity-forming process of television by explaining how local television stations helped shape this process. Moving on from merely showing advertisements for local companies, they began showing small serials and talk shows, some of which became national phenomenons. The local nature of this kind of television would eventually mostly fade away by the 70s but the damage done to cinema was irreparable. Television had entered the hearts and minds of successive American generations and it was here to stay. Here, we can draw a major comparison between cinema and television potentially parodying it. Merely watching a few episodes of these old-school sitcoms, we cannot help but be struck at the similarity of tone to the pre-war Hollywood days. It is necessary to diverge briefly to explain the state of mind of 1950s America. Before the war, the USA had undergone a massive recession caused by the Wall Street Crash and thus, it had fallen to the entertainment industry to help people forget their woes. The film industry had done this, as shown above, but the changes it had caused had not died away. Although World War II had caused the death of many a gallant young man, it had lifted the USA into a very buoyant mindset. With the European powers needing a decade more to recover from the conflict, with Japans military and economic potential temporarily annihilated, with China still reeling from its murderous invasion, the Soviet Union remained the only true challenge to Americas supremacy. But the Cold War had not yet begun in earnest and in the late 40s and early 50s, the USA saw itself as the worlds only true superpower. The much denigrated Eisenhower presidency kept the economy stable through a tricky balancing act and for most of America, life was good. The Americana dream adapted to no longer be a picture of great wealth but of blissful happiness. The family unit of 2.4 children, living in the comfortable and safe suburban districts with a white picket fence around a big house, was a dream that many wished to achieve and television could reflect that. Shows such as I Love Lucy portrayed a heavenly, glossy picture of American society which is ultimately matched nowhere in entertainment except among the idyllic American communities shown in early studio films. The Warners, Mayer and the others had all built up their studios from the ground up thanks to their own hard work. They were living proof of the possibilities America offered and thus showed this in their films. Television in the 50s emulated this entirely. The era was different, the clothing more modern but the ensemble feeling remained the same. This was not merely borne out in television sitcoms but also in adverts. Sitcoms would be interrupted for commercial upon commercial selling the latest washing-machine, vacuum-cleaner or kitchen appliance without which the dutiful housewife could not live. It is oddly ironic that many of todays stereotypes about the 50s are a product of this kind of television. It needs to be remembered, However, that this often derided type of family life where the children skipped to school, rosy-cheeked and clutching an apple, while the father gave his loving wife a demure kiss on the cheek before heading to the office in his beautiful Chevrolet is not merely a myth. Around the suburbs of New York, San Francisco and the like, many families not only lived this kind of life but their children and grandchildren still do today. However, the way in which television chose to reflect this society in a utopian sense, glossing over any unpleasantness, was a definite rehashing of the technique used by the film studios of Hollywood twenty years previously. The adaptation of the two mediums and their direct battle for audience shares As television successfully found its feet and began a posing direct threat to cinema, studios were forced to change. After all, no other new form of entertainment had entered general society since the arrival of cinema before television and thus, cinema would have to fight to keep its audiences. A couple of things could be seen as certain before these changes would proceed. Firstly, cinema would never rival television for mass popularity and market potential due to the overwhelming availability of television and its presence in an increasing number of households across America. Secondly, one of televisions worrying tendencies was to garner a lot of advertising money from a wide swathe of big American companies. Electrical appliances, cars, clothes, foodstuffs and drinks were all sold on television during commercial breaks, a fact that cinema could not copy. However, studio executives soon found ways round this problem, ways in which although adverts could not be shown during the movie, surreptitious showing of products could have a similar effect. Product placement was born. Admittedly, in a society which with every passing year produces more and wastes more, it seems that studios have become less adept at making product placement seem natural rather than obvious. The 007 series had always been a treasure trove for companies wishing to place their symbols on James Bonds latest gadget. With the arrival of Pierce Brosnan into the role However, any shred of subtlety vanished to be replaced with highly obvious use of products. For example, Brosnans type of car had always been one of the highlights of the film. In Die Another Day, the presence of the painfully named Aston Martin Vanish only served as a sales pitch for the Vanquish. Such utterly shameless product placement did reach a crescendo in 2004 where the amount of plugging for Sony and Converse in I, Robot would have made Isaac Asimov turn in his grave. However, such behaviour can shed some light onto the type of post-modern audience that we are evolving in. Those detractors who claim that post-modernism is merely the natural by-product of such a senselessly wasteful society whose mechanisms result in the attempted alienation of anyone showing a shred of individuality. Whether this is true or not is difficult to ascertain but what is lamentable is that the artistic integrity which has existed since Aristotle is being compromised in cinema out of the desire to keep up with television. Thankfully, the presence of adverts in television, even if sometimes the length of advert breaks can be infuriating has meant this has not happened in televisions case. If we evolve in a post-modernist society, then these differing methods of merely pandering to our consumers instincts could seem to be a by-product of intense competition between two forms of popular entertainment. Unfortunately, cinemas rapid changes would lead to renewed controversy over its spectatorship and its impact thereupon as explained by Lynn Spigel. The concept of spectatorship in itself is a fascinating one, not just within the framework of this dissertation, but also within the field of cinema and television research. The bearings that society can have upon an audiences watching habits are a crucial fact to understanding how individuals, larger target groups or entire demographics will react to any kind of program. (Spigel, 1998) places the birth of the issue of spectatorship in the 70s as film studies began increasing in popularity. This rise in popularity and its link to audience research are vital as we can use them to comprehend not just how an audience would react to a pioneering film or series in either cinema or television but also how it would react to a parody or any kind of wholesale copying of a popular film or series by another medium of entertainment. The issues raised by Spigel are ones, she claims, whose roots lie back in the ideals of Marx and Lacan. From a psycho-analytical perspective, Spigel writes of the complexities of spectatorship research given the psychological aspects behind it. Although Spigels thoughts may be questioned in themselves, they do offer conclusive evidence of audience diversity today and how carefully each aspect of this diversity needs to be considered before deciding on scheduling or production. In this, we can see the great precautions television executives must need to take in order to contemplate parodying of any kind of popular film. Modern television, its workings and its impact upon the world Big, brash, loud. Three words which could describe much of the television programmes produced in America in recent years. Long gone is the demure image of the family sitting down to enjoy some good old American-style programming with shows such as Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie. Lets face it, if these shows were produced today, they would face some accusations of glorifying witchcraft, yet another practice banned in Leviticus long list of gripes against the world. Somehow, the image of ABC being picketed for showing re-runs of Bewitched may at first strike us as absurd but with careful thought, does this seem so unlikely? One of the major problems facing network directors and schedulers is the problems they could face if showing any material seen as even slightly offensive to anybody. We will not engage here in mindless America-bashing but in a country that has long defended the right to free speech, both the film and television industries are being lambasted by religious and family protection groups for promoting violence and pornography. Whilst this could be understood if horror films were shown at hours when children watched TV or if their cartoons professed truly immoral practices but when complaints relate to Elmer Fudd shooting Bugs Bunny, one can wonder if the world has gone crazy. However insane these complaints can appear to be, they are still a startlingly important reality for todays television. They form one of the biggest pressures on television executives who are caught in a tricky balancing act. They must maintain their audience shares by scheduling popular programming whilst also keeping packs of demented denigrators at bay. Interestingly, regulations concerning the effect of violent or sexual programming have been in place for decades. After all, most channels, even now with the new glut of cable and digital operators, have respected the 9 oclock watershed before broadcasting any overly offensive material. Have they been secretly breaching rules of moral conduct in recent years? Whilst it is certain that television programmes do have an impact on those who watch them and while children will always care little about rules or regulations that protect them from exposition to negative images, can this be said to be the wholesale fault of the television industry? If the people want games, then games they shall have. This syllogism is one without which television stations cannot operate and although appeals could be made for public decency, violent and pornographic programmes will only be made and shown as long as the public has an interest in them. Thus, society should look to what elements within itself cause television to broadcast this type of programming rather than attack television for it. A recent example that shows just what a level of frenzy has been reached was the 2004 Superbowl. Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson provided the entertainment when Timberlake ripped off part of Jacksons outfit, exposing her pierced right breast. Whether the stunt was pre-prepared or not has not been made crystal clear but the furore that surrounded the incident was mind-boggling. The family protection and decency groups went insane, denouncing all film and television workers as Hollywood sleaze. The fact that this slip occurred during an event with global broadcasting and with audiences reaching into the hundreds of millions blew it out of all proportion. For some reason, that a breast had been shown on national television before the watershed was seen as being a massive breach of public decency and as potentially warping the fragile little minds of innocent children. This level of problems goes a long way to showing the tonnage of pressure placed upon television channels. However, it is thankfully a trend that has not seemed to take hold outside the USA. The EU, Japan and Canada are subjected to the same kind of programming and although some complaints are voiced, they never garner so much media attention. Thus, we can see that the manners in which television panders to its audiences vary from country to country. We have highlighted televisions modus operandi in the USA but let us consider a cross-section of Japanese audiovisual entertainment. More than 20% of Japans cinematic output and a vast swathe of its popular television programs are made up of anime. Anime cartoons usually contain far more involved storyline than their American counterparts, replete with high levels of violence, sexy and skimpily-clad female characters and yet, these are watched by children of all ages. Does Japan thus see a higher violence rate among young children? No, in fact, the proportion of it is far lower in Japan than it is in the USA. However, even Japanese anime does not make it onto American airwaves without massive cuts by the censorship office. A good example of this is constituted by the popular anime series, Dragonball Z. In it, a group of fighters defend Earth from invasion by evil aliens or androids. Throughout its 250+ episodes, the show contains high levels of violence, including dismembering, decapitation and the beating of children. As can be imagined, when the show was broadcast in America on Cartoon Network, all these passages were cut to spare the minds of our children. However, in Japan, Dragonball Z aired in all its unadulterated gore and no-one seemed the worse for wear. This is not to say that so much violence on TV is good. Indeed, it is lamentable that it should exist at all but it is highly unfair to lay the blame for any consequences at the feet of an industry which is doing its best to keep as many people happy as possible. Although, we have taken a standpoint in attacking America for its high sensitivity when it comes to protecting its children, we have recently been confronted with proof that this type of protest does not only occur in the USA. For ten years, Jerry Springer shocked the nation with its own brand of low chatshow humour. Famed topics of debate involved the KKK, incest and bestiality. It had met with both acclaim and criticism at home, some calling it a true social commentary, other cheap laughter at others misfortunes. Anyway, the comedic potential of the idea was soon seen and in 2002, it was turned into a musical named Jerry Springer: The Opera, starring David Soul as Jerry Springer, showing in the West End and on Broadway. Controversy courted it throughout but its great success shouted down these demons. However, in January 2005, the BBC decided to show the musical in its entirety. As soon as this decision was made public, Christian right-wing groups attacked the BBC for insulting Christians when it would not dare the same about Muslims or Jews. While this claim did have some merit, the BBC ignored these claims and broadcast the show at 10 oclock on a Monday night with clear warning beforehand about the potentially offensive content within it. Examples of this type of occurrence could number in their hundreds but they are an ideal way of investigating how modern audiences identify with television programmes and react to them. One of the basic tenets is that post-modernism is that reactions to any situation are processes created by each individual and that thus, clear definitions of knowledge or art encompassing a group or a society are baseless. In this, it can be argued that the very concept of a post-modern audience is flawed. However, whatever theory we choose to engage with, we cannot reject human nature. In the last twenty years, it seems that many among the generation of young people across America who fought in the 60s and 70s against Vietnam, against the Cold War, for Civil Rights and for many other noble causes have become dangerously jaded. Americas quality of life at the end of the 70s and in the 80s reached a high unseen since the 50s. Although the gap between rich and poor was ever-widening, the lifestyles of the middle and upper classes were prodigious. America was still afflicted with problems in Iran, Central America but the Soviet Block was crumbling and the mood among the general population was good. However, in the 80s and 90s occurred a phenomenon that not many people had truly predicted. The baby-boomers who had so been influential in re-shaping America after World War II were themselves beginning to be required to pass the torch to the next generation. Thus, the norms of society that they had created were themselves being challenged by their children. This shift occurred through the appropriation of traditional American areas of life by the younger generation such as television, cinema, the press as well as the fledgling Internet. We will look in further detail at the emergence of teenagers as a separate marketing entity and the impact of the home video on cinema and television as it entered this confused social maze. (Carberry, 2000) picks up on the popular image of television being viewed as a window on the world. This image, although adequate in some respects, also fails to pay attention to one crucial fact about television. If we look out of a window, we are certain that we will see will be real. A television does not offer this capacity. Television programmes are constructed and even factual news bulletins or documentaries can be edited to look the way the news director wants them to. We know enough of methods of communication to realize the propagandistic power of television and therefore we are conscious that we must always take a step back when rationalizing about something we have seen on television. Television, by its very nature, is as big a construct as cinema however the accusation of warping peoples minds is leveled far more at television than cinema. Is this because cinema has consciously avoided parodying televisions tactics? Or, the far likelier option, is it that the accessibility factor of television in every household makes it a far bigger liability? The Brat Pack and the rejuvenation of an art-form Despite many provable claims that cinema constantly re-invented itself through the 20th century in the face of audiences that were ever-demanding new entertainment, comparable in their way to the crowds of Rome ever baying for more blood sports, cinema did face a daunting task in this as compared to television. Television, by its very nature, provided smaller-scale programs which it could produce and broadcast constantly whilst film executives had to rely on the takings of a few major films every year to keep itself afloat. A number of films could certainly attract the crowds and meet with considerable critical acclaim but the numbers of such men and women were still too few. However, American cinema and consequently, world cinema was about to undergo a revolution. For two decades since the end of World War II, the old nations of Europe had been experimenting with different styles and imprinting their home-grown cinema with a particular identity or flavour. The French could lay claim to La Nouvelle Vague with the works of pioneers such as Godard and Truffaut whilst the Spanish film-makers invented the dangerously clever and cynical cinema metaforico under the very noses of Francos ruthless censors who supervised film sets for any sign of criticism of the Generalissimos reign. These cinematic trends had proved to Hollywood what they were lacking. A series of directors that could produce films appealing to that American identity that the Roosevelts and Kennedy had shouted from the rooftops of the world. Yet still this left executives scratching from their heads. Unlike France or Spain, the USA was a fledgling nation barely two hundred years old. What part of its tradition and history could be used to make audiences flock to the cinemas with a renewed sense of excitement? As it turned out, it was not the executives who were asked to answer the question. This phenomenon would manifest itself naturally. From the film schools of the late 60s and early 70s in New York and LA would emerge a generation of directors who would grab the bull of American cinema by the horns and force it to change drastically as they wanted it to. They understood what American audiences wanted to see. After all, they had been part of those very audiences in the 50s and early 60s which had experienced the downfall in exciting material produced by Hollywood. Their baby-boom generation had only known America with the rewards of the post-war economic progression, the fear of the Cold War and Vietnam and they were ready to make their voices heard. This generation was loud, brash and fiercely ideological. Why not make this felt through their cinema? Coppolas Apocalypse Now stands out as a bastion of ideology, refusing to gloss over the Vietnam War as previous war films had done about the two World Wars. Accompanied by Oliver Stones Platoon and Kubricks Full Metal Jacket, this film hurt the consciousness of a nation that had formerly felt safe in its own puissance and many of its citizens could not bear to see this familiar cocoon of ideological magnificence be shattered by some young Hollywood upstarts. Is it surprising then that these films tanked at the American Box Office whilst meeting with applause around the world. How then could these men be seen as having saved Hollywood by injecting with some much-needed fresh blood? By not standing alone. If Stone and Coppola provided the ideological side of new American cinema, Lucas, Spielberg and De Palma represented the take-no-shit, stop-at-nothing side of their generation who rather than focus on issues that they saw as the matters of Washington politicians decided to appeal to the teenagers and young children that were to come after. Their films were raw, big and loud yet astonishingly varied as every an found his own style. De Palmas The Wild Bunch, perhaps one of the most violent films committed to celluloid, demystified the Western genre. Reversely, Lucas and Spielberg let their imagination run riot and with early successes such as THX 1138, they had the studios at their feet, inflated egos and vast budgets to match. Lucas space saga Star Wars stands out as the icon of this movement, sweeping in millions at the Box Office and conquering the hearts of successive generations to this day. When A New Hope hit cinemas across the USA in 1977, even those few crusty members of the Hollywood establishment that still tried to hang onto the past were forced to capitulate and admit that the Hollywood they knew was dead and buried. From the first shot of a Star Destroyer moving across the screen and an audiences collective gasp as their ear-drums take their first impact from a Dolby Surround Sound system, cinema changed. Lucas would go on to make the following two Star Wars films staggering successes as well as launching the Indiana Jones series. However, he would eventually stumble slightly when making the new trilogy of the epic science-fiction series, trying too hard to make it funny whilst detracting from the storyline, whilst his great companion, Steven Spielberg, would go from strength to strength. Cementing himself as the poster boy for the Brat Pack through the 80s and 90s, Spielberg would gain his well-deserved reputation by always providing an element of challenge in the direction of his films. E.T. and Jurassic Park would revolutionize the use of special effects, Schindlers List would prove to be controversially popular due to its gritty subject matter whilst if Duel and The Terminal did not contain some staggering innovation, they simply moved audiences by being excellent films. However, despite all these innovations, cinema would still meet a sharp downturn in audiences in the 80s with the introduction of perhaps its greatest challenge, the entrance into the fray of home videos. The entrance of home video Where the Brat Pack had given cinema an edge over television with promises of spectacles far beyond the range of ordinary TV channels, television producers found themselves needing a new tactic to regain their audiences. It was not that television ratings had dropped particularly, after all television sets were now firmly established in households across the country but the familiarity of television was now part of the problem. Taken for granted despite shows such as Dallas and Dynasty pulling in millions of viewers each week, television had lost the veneer and shine of a new form of entertainment and media it had so long possessed after the war. Without the budgets of film studios and without the talent of big-name actors and directors at their beck and call, television production companies had to find a way to compete once more and elevate themselves back to the pinnacle of American entertainment. The key, it would seem, was to be found in the unlikely field of demographic studies. Both film and television executives had for some time varied their output on the back of single-group demographical research. For example, even the inspired Brat Pack directors had made their films to appeal to the collective consciousness of a generation, that of young boys and girls under 25. This was a tactic which worked very well insofar as the targeted demographics did flock to the movie theatres in droves. Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Back To The Future became legendary series of films, entering the minds of young people across the country. Similarly, television programs and scheduling was determined according to which target audience was likely to be watching at any given time of day. Sports were left for the evening when the men would be back from work whilst the much-derided concept of daytime television consisting of soap operas and chat shows sprang up for the entertainment of housewives, seen as watching television during the day after completing their chores after her husband and children had gone to school. This may seem like a highly Stepford Wives type of generalization but from the 50s, these kinds of assumptions were constantly made by executives both in the film and television industries who based their schedules on these assumptions with noticeable success. Although technology is not the basis for this dissertation, the theories lying behind how the general public thinks of this technology is inherent to discovering how television interacts with a post-modern audience. However, this policy failed in one important respect. It considered specific demographics on a one person basis, targeting each age-group as a single entity such as 18-25 year olds or middle-aged housewives. What it failed to consider was that the baby-boom generation that had long been the mainstay of both film and television target audiences for three decades now had young children and even teenagers that now needed to be taken into account. This newer generation provided two crucial target areas. The latter, that of teenagers had already been almost wholly captured by Hollywood. The older among them had experienced the Star Wars phenomenon and saw themselves well-represented among the pissed-off new breed of Hollywood directors. Their younger siblings, However, were still 12 and under and together with their parents provided television executives with a perfect new target audience. One that would collectively become known as the family unit. The family unit was the first time that demographical studies included a group of people of different sex and age collectively when considering what type of entertainment would appeal to them. Furthermore, the political climate in America in the verge of the Reagan era had put a lot of pressure on Hollywood. Throughout the 70s, the steady stream of Hollywood fare was seen as being too violent, too lewd, too disturbing, too shocking, too distressing. The voices of those that made these claims were ignored until the election of Reagan. A product of old Hollywood himself, he declared war on the studios, trying to force them to change their fare to better fit in with the era of decency and morality he claimed to be ushering in. Hollywood caved slightly as did Reagan in the face of a destructive stand-off and began producing more family-oriented films, fitting in with the discovery of the financial potential of the family unit. However, where Hollywood might again have got the better of television by capitalizing on another good idea, the goddess of technology had for once smiled upon the world of television. In the late 70s, video recorders had been perfected and thus a whole new market had opened up. The popularity of films for the family unit such as E.T. was so high that television would increase its financial gain several times by home video sales and re-runs on their channels. Now, an argument could be made that since the home video sales were of Hollywood studio films, surely the studios themselves would be reaping the rewards and taking in a significant percentage of the profits from home video sales. Whilst this was true and studios were also making money off the back of movie-related products, home video popularity was having a drastic effect on cinema turnouts. Popular films were flying off the shelves after very limited box office takings whilst lesser-known ones failed to bring in money in either case. Teenagers were still being successfully courted by Hollywood but the family unit was far out of its reach most of the time. The parents of the so-called unit were overwhelmingly those who had elected Reagan to power, many of them off the back of his claims to restore decency and whom has listened to his anti-Hollywood smut speeches. Thus, some elements of Hollywood had succeeded in alienating those that showed the most financial potential. It is true that some films such as the aforementioned E.T. still met with huge box office success but over all, the invention of the home video and its entry into the lives of millions of families was a massive win for the television executives and a body blow for the film industry, one that would take studios nigh on a decade to recover from. The apathy of the viewer and the post-modernist changes A stalwart refusal to hang on to tradition in an ever-changing world. This definition could be applied to an ever more fickle society which seems to be taken the rapid technological advances of the 20th century as an excuse to simply stop caring about the higher moralities of human existence. The concepts that moved the worlds great societies for millennia such as a sense of duty and honour have long been abandoned for ones that are easier to live by such as financial gain and social acceptance. However we wish this change had not happened, they are now undeniable presences in Western society and it is only natural that they should be represented in film and television. We have described in detail earlier how both of these changed and altered their tactics in order to compete with each other and meet various demands from their audiences. However, one factor that producers in both mediums could never have predicted was the general apathy for life that seems to have afflicted much of the latest generation of teenagers and young adults. While pandering to audiences desires was always essential to the development and progress of both film and television, this kind of scheduling was always balanced out by varying amounts of general public-interest programming. Public-interest in cinema could be documentaries or independent lower-budget films whilst for television, news shows as well as commentating programs discussing both national and world events. Unfortunately, the 90s saw a steady decline in audience ratings for this kind of programming, people only watching the news for the sports and weather sections at the end whilst many foregoing completely any documentaries or investigatory programmes. Faced with this alarming trend, television network directors have been forced to cut back on this kind of programming whilst showing more and more mindless programmes which then face criticism from minority groups. This vicious circle is one that is drawn from the type of society that we live in. If this audience is at all post-modern, it is in some of the subconscious habits it has assumed. Western society has become highly adept at taking everything around it for granted, from food and drink to electricity but also as far as film and television are concerned. When we turn on a television set or pick up a cinema listings leaflet, we expect a certain amount of choice so that we may pick something that fits our mood. These expectations thus mould the choices made by network directors. In this, it can be conclusively said that television is inherently a slave to its audiences as without them, it cannot function. (Groothuis, 2000) provides some valuable insight into the tricky and sometimes co-destructive relationship between television and its audience. Groothuis labels television a potent agent of truth decay in postmodernity, claiming that by its warped view of the world, television affects our own. Television is a form of media communication and entertainment, first and foremost. Many people rely on it for news of the outside world and developments in any field. Groothuis accusation of truth decay on a post-modern audience is an audacious but truthful one. The impact that television has on the daily lives of millions worldwide can be terrifying. Because television stations are only able to provide a view of reality and not reality itself, we are automatically presented with a biased or distorted view of events however neutral the station or journalist has tried to be. By basing all our opinions or views on any subject on a televisual view alone, we are in danger of becoming dangerously conditioned. As Groothuis writes, Television has become a commercial and cultural institution in American life; as such, it is unproblematic to the vast majority of Americans and, therefore, highly influential. It is precisely this familiarity which makes television both comforting and perilous. This is thrown into even sharper relief when considering television from a fictional perspective. For young children who are often unable to truly differentiate between the latest conflict on the news and the latest murder on an afternoon show, televisions influence can become truly terrifying. We have all heard urban myths such as the four year old boy who killed himself when jumping out of a high-storey window, dressed as Superman. However, as long these shows continue to be popular, they will continue to be produced. Anyway, the phasing out of television will never happen. It is too deeply entrenched into our modern-day culture for it to be removed. What we need to find is a way to make ourselves less dependent on television for both factual and fictional input. We know that all television channels will automatically pander to their audiences no matter what but how about their emulation of some cinematic trends? Is this a mere parody or is it an attempt at finding other ways to please the demanding crowd? Well, in order to ascertain this, let us look at a few examples of sheer imitation between cinema and television from the 90s and 2000s. In reaction to the bigger-budget special effect extravaganzas that Hollywood had begun churning out since Jaws, television found itself forced to compete on a different level. Although it could not mass produce constant series with similar effects, the popularity of home video had also given rise to television being able to gain broadcasting rights on syndicated and then on public access channels. It is easy to imagine how this could have been a body blow to the film industry but the money paid by television for the rights to these films was a significant source of revenue for studios always needing more money for the spiraling budgets of individual films. Television channels, on the other hand, could easily afford to fork out such prices for the rights due to the prime-time advertising slots they would put on the market when showing them. Corporations, knowing how families would flock to channels showing such blockbusters as E.T. or Star Wars on television for the first time, would offer colossal sums of money to be allowed to place their adverts during the showings. Interestingly, since all parties concerned made money off the selling of rights, a postulation could be that instead of being a parody of cinema by television, this was really a mutually beneficial transaction. Furthermore, if television has had a habit of emulating cinematic inventions, the reverse is also true. Perhaps the greatest accusation leveled at cinema today is its total lack of originality. Film lovers have decried that those that are hailed as great directors today produce films that lack the emotional punch, uplifting storylines and memorable characters that were the hallmarks of Fellini, Hitchcock and De Sica. Even men like Scorcese and Coppola who have been seen as living legends of cinema for decades seem to have tailed off and accepted to sink into simple banality. Occasionally, a silver lining can pierce this dark cloud such as Pixars films but for the most part, it can be commonly accepted that studios no longer have the impact they used to. A simple proof of this is Hollywoods current attitude towards successful television series. In recent years, we have heard projects for countless films of popular series, both American and British. Red Dwarf, Friends, Sex and the City, The League of Gentlemen and The Simpsons have all been in movie development hell whilst The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy has finally been made amidst much criticism from fans. Some other common practices have been either the remakes of classic films such as Alfie or Psycho or the Americanisation of foreign films such as Nine Queens. The principal problem is that not only is this practise idiotic from the point of view of angering the fans but also because adapting any film, book or series from one medium to another is always fraught with danger in a post-modernist society. These statements may seem to point to a problem within cinema alone but any problem it has will automatically impact upon television as we will explain in our conclusion. The relationship between film and television can be seen as a symbiotic one. Although at times, elements within the two industries have been seen as being at each others throats, they are in fact mutually tied and it is clear that if one suffers, the other will inevitably suffer too. The post-modern audience with which these two mediums engage on a daily basis have become almost too demanding, too needy, too dependent on its little gadgets to make it happy. Someone once wrote that civilisation was three meals away from anarchy. Although this proverb still holds true, it is likely that the same would happen if society today, at least in the Western world, was deprived of television. The hold that these forms of entertainment have upon modern society is also an area which needs to be discussed. The fact of the matter is that we seem to be so dependent on television today that it has permeated our everyday lives in the most pernicious of ways. For example, the literacy rate of children is down, violent tendencies among children is up across the sex divide. Although we have made the prior point that television and cinema are not entirely responsible for the rise in violence after people have watched some of their films and shows and that often enough, these protests are the source of staggering overreaction, we cannot absolve television channels and film studios of all blame. In our conclusion, we will be coming to terms with all sides of the odd co-destructive and co-dependent relationship between the networks, the studios and their audiences. Conclusion How to summarize this and bring it all to a logical conclusion? Well, through our careful study above, we have three areas which need to be considered. Firstly, cinema and televisions troubled history has seen a lot of mistrust pass between executives in both forms of entertainment. However, in the last twenty years, faced with common pressure from all sides of a demanding society, they have come to an uneasy truce. The second area which we can analyze is that although we can think of cinema and television as two separate forms of entertainment, the factors that affect their decisions on what to broadcast are almost identical. As we have discovered, the post-modernist traits of our society have emerged out of a disturbing trend to simplify and label anything overly complex. Thus, the multi-faceted relationship between cinema and television, and to a lesser extent the Internet and newspapers, has led to a gross labeling of all of these as the media. Even Hollywood, where an encouraging growth in documentaries has recently been emerged, has been incorporated into this group. If this labeling only manifested itself in this way, the situation for all these forms of entertainment and press would not be disturbing. However, not only has the public at large adopted media as a term of reference to encapsulate all of these but this simplification has also entered a deeper evil. This signifies that too often, if an attack is labeled at a particular film or TV series, then all of the media will be lambasted. Nevertheless, we must fall not into a similar trap. When talking about the public at large, we must understand that these attacks are only carried out by some fringe groups like the CAP ( and not by any significant percentage of society, although many of the thoughts and beliefs behind these attacks are wide-spread. In this, all branches of film and television from individual studios like 20th Century Fox and Universal to large networks like ABC or CNN are finding themselves torn between their loyalties. Their financial existence depends on the companies that place adverts during their breaks. Whilst it is true that many companies would take any advertising slot going, many of the bigger and thus higher-paying companies will only take slots on prime-time during popular programming. This type of programming, unfortunately, is the very double-edged sword that television channels face. On the one hand this programming, such as popular series or films shown after the watershed, are the ones that bring them among their highest audience ratings. The reverse side of the problem is that it is precisely these shows that carry the most controversial material and that are denounced as warping peoples minds or inciting promiscuous and violent tendencies. Fortunately, these voices are often shouted down as in the case of Jerry Springer: The Opera by the BBC and both television stations and thus film studios continue producing and showing what they desire; what they know will satisfy a majority of the audience, no matter how hollow this material might be. As a final thought, it seems clear that although both elements of both the television and film industries are guilty of stealing each others ideas, inspiring their films and shows from pre-existing ones and producing material which may seem baseless, these practices are all linked to a larger factor. This is the utter dependence that both cinema and television have to their audiences. They are methods of public entertainment and a studio or channel without the support of a high audience share will struggle and eventually fold. A disease spreading itself through most forms of entertainment is a lack of fresh input and creativity. Elements that have been mentioned such as Pixar do provide a modicum of this for their own gain but the spread of this apathy is becoming highly worrying. However, any efforts that cinema and television make to innovate and find some workable ideas are not conscious efforts to emulate each other. They are simply an inevitable by-product of competitors all vying for the attention of a limited audience. The rules of parody are complex but two are crystal-clear. If the chosen subject of parody is notoriously bad, then a parody thereof can play upon this and the joke becomes easier. However, if the target for satire is good or popular within its own right, then a parody becomes trickier. The parody must pick up on recognizable aspects of the target and ridicule it while still paying proper respect. A prime example of this is Dead Ringers. Jon Culshaw and his team choose a good ensemble cast of satires, drawing from a range of modern and new films and current affairs. Their use of Lord of the Rings can provide a good case study. Their main targets are the multiple endings of Return of the King. This is a perfect choice as it fits several criteria for good parody. Fans of the book adored the many endings as they paid proper homage to their beloved trilogy whilst less involved film-goers decried them, feeling like they simply dragged on for far too long. By drawing upon these and making fun of them, the Dead Ringers team thus ensured a massive potential for reference comprehension among its audience by using such a popular source. Cases like these are rare and thus parody is a risky area which can just as often fall flat and cause animosity but one that still continues to be one of the most popular sources of entertainment for television audience. However, the thought of parody being used purely as a method of emulation by television networks strikes as a little small-minded for such a huge business as television. Thus, it seems we can firmly say any parody used by television or cinema is done in order to feed a post-modern audience which does not take itself too seriously. Bibliography Alexe, Maria Cinema and its postmodernist view upon literature, Bucharest University, 2003 Carberry, Guy To what extent does the assessment of television asa window on the world remain relevant?, Leicester University, 2000 Fiske, John Television Culture, Methuen Press, 1987 Groothuis, Douglas Television: Agent of Truth Decay, InterVarsity Press, 2000 Hartley, John Understanding News, Routledge, 1989 Harvey, David The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change, Blackwell Publishers, 1989 Kellner, Douglas Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern, Routledge, 1995 Lee, Martyn Consumer Culture Reborn, Routledge, 1993 Morley, David Television audiences and cultural studies, Routledge, 1993 Spigel, Lynn The Rise of Television and its Audience:Reception History as Cultural History, Angelo State University Press, 1998
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Gender Roles In Macbeth Essay - 974 Words
Introduction Plays tend to reflect the politics and social issues of the time they were written, which can educate people in modern day about philosophy further back than the 17th century. The plot of the play, Macbeth shows how dark and hostile Shakespeare’s writing became after King James took the throne in 1605 (BBC, 2014). The way the play speaks about women can reflect on the way Shakespeare thought of gender roles, and can display how far society has come in four centuries. In the 17th century, women had few rights, and followed orders from men, at the time the world depended on men (Alchin, 2012). Shakespeare wrote about men as superior and strong, yet women were weak, but he almost challenged those roles even in the 17th century†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood.†(1, v), she knew Macbeth was too kind to fulfill Duncan’ s destiny, and she was the only person who would do it, yet she wasn’t a man which was the only fault to her plan. Macbeth started to refuse Lady Macbeth’s plan which is when she questions his manhood: â€Å"What beast was ’t, then, that made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man.†(1, vii). Using the term â€Å"man†as another word for being a strong person could possibly be the root of small sexist terms people use in modern society, Macbeth shows that sexism started centuries ago. The play even started to question these terms. When Macduff is given the news that his wife and children had been killed, Malcolm tells him to take it like a man, yet Macduff wants to grieve â€Å"I shall do so, but I must also feel it as a man. I cannot but remember such things were that were most precious to me†(4, iii). Macduff challenged these roles by suddenly saying that sadness and grief aren’t just felt by women. Macduff somewhat contradicts himself a line later â€Å"Oh, I could play the woman with mine eyes and braggart with my tongue! But, gentle heavens, cut short all intermission.†(4,Show MoreRelatedMacbeth Essay: the Role of Gender and Position911 Words  | 4 PagesMacbeth Essay: The Role of Gender and Position Amilio Lopez In Macbeth, many elements that affect the story’s plot and outcome; however, gender and position of power play the most important role of the story. For example, Lady Macbeth continuously wants to be changed into a man in order to get certain duties done that Macbeth is hesitant to do. Also, Lady Macbeth uses the power of belittling Macbeth’s masculinity to further drive his actions in the play. Lastly, the witches’ predictions of Macbeth’sRead MoreMacbeth Gender Roles Essay807 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s tragedy â€Å"Macbeth†completely challenges the idea of traditional gender roles and social norms during the renaissance period. The male characters have many feminine traits while the female characters have many more masculine and manlier traits. This was going entirely against the stereotypical outlook of the roles you’re supposed to play as your gender during that time of history. During the renaissance period wom en were only expected to clean, cook, and to have babies. Men onRead MoreGender Roles- Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay1296 Words  | 6 PagesIn the old Shakespeare play Macbeth, women wear the pants, while the men wear the dresses, this is the theme throughout the play. It focuses on the marriage of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth takes the lead role, while she convinces her husband to kill Duncan. Shakespeare play concerning gender roles, shows the untraditional marriage in Scotland; what one sees is not what one gets. It also show how one starts is not how they end. The story of Macbeth shows power and betrayal. It shows power because it showsRead MoreEssay about Gender Roles in Macbeth1453 Words  | 6 PagesGender Roles in Macbeth        Although written long ago, Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth still has themes relevant for contemporary society. Murderous ambition, political intrigue, crafty social alliances, the disintegration of marriage – these could be headlines from any daily news program. It comes as no surprise, then, that we also find a significant number of moments in the play where gender seems to be an issue. More specifically, we might say that Shakespeares dramatic investigationRead MoreEssay on Macbeth Reverse Gender Roles758 Words  | 4 Pagesand caring role. From this, a man’s physical strength is portrayed as being strong and brave at superior and horrific times, yet through literature like Shakespeare’s Macbeth, it shows that they can end up weak. There are many times in William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, where the acts of â€Å"reverse-gender roles†are being detected in terms of what the stereotype states, between Macbeth and Lady Macbe th. This tragic play is a perfect example that in life it does not matter of what gender a person isRead MoreGender Roles in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay1292 Words  | 6 PagesGender Roles in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Although at the time of Shakespeare, women were thought of as lesser beings, he still manages to portray them as strong, and influential people in his play Macbeth. 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The play centres on Macbeth who is a general in King Duncan’s army. Upon returning from a successful battle, Macbeth is confronted by three witches who claim they know the future. The three witches tell Macbeth that he will be the future King. The events that occur after this encounter between Macbeth and the witches are what makes this play a tragedy. This essay will foc us on the treatment of gender in â€Å"Macbeth†Read MoreDefining Manhood Through Gender Stereotypes1183 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Man Up†: Defining Manhood through Gender Stereotypes in Macbeth In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare attempts to define manhood and explore the different perceptions held towards what it means to be a man. As William Liston notes in his essay, â€Å"Man appears more than 40 times, almost always with a conscious sense of defining the termâ€â€or rather, of defining a person by the term†(232). Lady Macbeth is used as a tool to not only convey this theme, but she instigates the plot as well. Without herRead MoreExmine the Masculine and Feminine Representations in Relation to Power in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth981 Words  | 4 Pagestraditional gender roles is constantly challenged and manipulated throughout the play, Macbeth. William Shakespeare explores the relationship between gender and power within the play, challenging the male dominant society of the 16th century. The play is set in the 11th century, Scotland where a patriarchal society is portrayed through the characters within the Shakespearean production. Qualitie s such as courage, honour, braveness and control were reflected at that time as masculinity. Macbeth is portrayed
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Death And Nature In Muse Des Beaux Arts Essay Example For Students
Death And Nature In Muse Des Beaux Arts Essay W. H. Audens poem Muse des Beaux Arts, which is Museum of Beautiful Arts when translated into English, is more about death and its normal, spontaneous occurrence than it is about a museum. The poem speaks of old Masters and refers to artists: writers, poets, and painters who understood the act of death as a necessary process instead of making excuses for it, using personification to cope with it, or sugar-coating it. These old Masters did not see the need to justify death or find a way to make it easier through embellishment. Although the poet uses a sort of free verse with unstructured rhyme and varying line length he still captures the meaning and conveys his point while keeping the poem unified. The scattered rhymes and the lack of specific meter keep the poem from getting to sing-song which is very fitting considering the subject matter. The poem starts out About suffering they were never wrong, the old Masters: how well they understood and we see that there is a group of people from the past that were wise, but we are not specifically told what it was that they understood. In fact, we are never explicitly told to what the it in the next line; Its human position: how it takes place actually refers. This we must figure out for our own, and based on the poem as a whole we can ascertain that the speaker is referring to the act of dying, death, and loss. We now know that those masters that came before us understood and revered death. The speaker refers to the human position of death and in the next five lines he illustrates the randomness of death; that even while there are many elderly people eagerly awaiting the next life, sometimes children are robbed of the present one. The poem at this point is not cruel or blaming but merely explains the fact that death does not intelligently pick and choose; nature has a role in it. Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating/ On a pond at the edge of the wood, here children take the rightful spot that the aged were reverently, passionately waiting for because nature had a hand in the ice breaking and the childs death. Nature and death sometimes combine to produce tragic results, but just because death is not intelligent does not mean that nature is and the speaker does not want us to blame nature either. The speaker and the old Masters seem to understand that death and nature go hand in hand. Then in the next five lines, which begin again with reference to the old Masters. With the line; They never forgot, the speaker shows how the world keeps on turning and daily life continues as before even at the exact moment that a persons spirit leaves this world. That is what the old Masters realized and never forgot. Life is continuing just as always in the line the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturers horse/ scratches its innocent behind on a tree. But in this line we find a very interesting match between a torturer and a horse. Notice how the evilness attributed to a man whose occupation is torturing people does not get passed down to his possession: the horse. Even though his master is bad the animal remains innocent and carries on naturally scratching itself on a tree. This is another statement about the innocence of nature; that even when it ends up taking life the act is neither deliberate nor evil. The last stanza of the poem is about a work of art and here we understand the museum reference in the title. .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 , .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .postImageUrl , .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 , .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383:hover , .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383:visited , .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383:active { border:0!important; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383:active , .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383 .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubd7dee1057896d6ed9c841aa9f10c383:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Notes on a Winters Journey and a Footnote, by Norman MacCaig EssayThis stanza is speaking about the unnoticed disaster of one mans death. The disaster of death is only important, or obvious to, the man experiencing it: Icarus. In mythology Icarus famously attempts to fly towards the sun, with a pair of wings made from wax, despite his fathers warnings not to. This is where the message of the old Masters is captured perfectly, because even with a feat as miraculous as a man flying, no one can stop to take notice of his defeat. Life is moving on, the speaker says, in the first line In Breughels Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away/ Quite leisurely from the disaster , the speaker understands the tragedy but understands that life must go on for the living. In fact, the act of living continues all around the scene of death with the ploughman and the sailors not being able to pause, to save, or to remember Icarus. For them it was not an important failure, as mentioned in line 17, when Icarus fell from the sky because death was a regular occurrence in their lives and they had other work to do. The sun shone/ as it had to in lines 17 and 18 and here again we see that nature can neither pause to notice nor can it do anything to stop the act of death. Death is a process of nature and nature must be respectful. The poet admits in line 20 that the act of the boys death was amazing for the exact reason that, indeed, this boy fell out of the sky, and still no one would pause their lives to notice death. The speaker of Audens poem can see the beauty in death and the average day to day occurrence of it, as could the masters. Yet, death is not always noticed because the living do not have time to pause for it, but the old Masters did. They commemorated it with their art: with poems and paintings, such as Breughel did. The speaker illustrates how death is a natural occurrence and yet we must not hold nature responsible and he shows that nature is innocent. Death and nature are not structured or premeditated and the design of this work mirrors that fact. The speaker has made a perfect point without getting muddled up in rhyme, reason, or rhythm. Evil has been placed next to nature and nature has proved innocent and prevailed through tragedy. This poem about beautiful arts is a work of beautiful art on its own and a tribute to something that can be sad and ugly, but is a natural process must be dealt with.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Who Is Friedrich Nietzsche Can A Man Born In 1844 Really Tell Us Anyt
Who is Friedrich Nietzsche? Can a man born in 1844 really tell us anything of relevance in the twenty-first century? To simply say Nietzsche was a German philosopher would be an injustice... let's stay clear of labels, I'll simply describe Nietzsche as a man with an incredible metal penetration of situations covering all walks of life... Friedrich Nietzsche challenged the foundations of traditional morality and Christianity. He believed in life, creativity, health, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. Central to Nietzsche's philosophy is the idea of life-affirmation, which involves an honest questioning of all doctrines which drain life's energies, however socially prevalent those views might be. Often referred to as one of the first existentialist philosophers, Nietzsche has inspired leading figures in all walks of cultural life, including dancers, poets, novelists, painters, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and social rev olutionaries. We have all bought into or been influenced by whatever we have been exposed to and taught. Some philosophers have attempted to get away from these influences by denying all. Nietzsche encourages us to look at past philosophers and to reevaluate our beliefs and values, and to question their origin. To attempt to understand why we philosophize as we do, and to think that perhaps the thinkers before us were still so influenced that What philosophers create is a world that satisfies the 'desire of the heart' their 'reasons' come later. (pg.550) Philosophers attempt to create the world in their own image. Everyone has a dissatisfaction w/ life - a desire to define good and evil, to know what satisfaction is - and N. is attempting to get us to deny this dissatisfation - to ask ourselves if we would be ok w/ this 'eternal recurrance'... do you think that our current craze of political correctness, our frenzy to decide what is good and what would be satisfying to the whole would be agreeable to N.? I don't think that it would. Let us attempt to do away with our dissatisfaction and get beyond the good and evil. Let us stop attempting to make other worlds better than this one, both politically and spiritually. Amour Fati! Our whole system of living is a fallacy; falsities and hypocrisies are inherent in its very core, yet we continue to live unsatisfactory lives, each with our personal life philosophies that get us though the years. Isn't it incredible that people can live with an intrinsic set of values judging right and wrong, and a feeling of purpose without really comprehending and penetrating their thoughts to the deepest depths. Amongst this herd of the unconscious are those whom would seek mental stimulation through renowned works. It amazes me that somebody could walk into Waterstone, Dillons or any other bookshop, purchase a book by say, Friedrich Nietzsche... read it... place it back on the bookshelf... then return to a normal life. Are the words too threatening to the self, or does this type of reader really see nothing to be learned? If the words are read so as to be understood then life is thrown upside down, there is a violent realisation of a world free from the bonds of ideology, or as Nietzsche would put it - a great separation.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Busy bee free essay sample
Suggested Course Materials None Course Description In this course we will cover some concepts and theories related to management and organizational behavior. The field of organizational behavior or B, as we generally call it, is the study of human behavior within organizations. That is, what people think, how they feel, why they think, feel and act in a certain way.If we can find answers to the above questions then we can exercise better control over human behavior and channeling it towards a more efficient and effective functioning of the organization. In this course we will study individuals singularly, as well as in the form of teams and roofs, and try to get an understanding of individual characteristics and group dynamics that shape individual attitudes and behaviors. In addition, we will also talk about some system level components like, organizational culture and major management functions. The main idea behind this course is to equip students with the knowledge to understand, predict and control human behavior and help their current or future organizations in becoming more efficient and effective managers Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes understand human behavior better and apply the knowledge to real life equines problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Busy bee or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page D differentiate between common sense and research based theory related to organizational behavior and apply the knowledge and concepts to real life situations. Individual learning, attitudes, values, motivation, group behaviors, leadership, management functions and organizational culture. Organizational behavior. Ere understanding of themselves through self-assessment and self-reflection. Assignments Academic Calendar (Topics, Reading Assignments, Due Dates, Exam Dates) Table 1 Course Schedule Week 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Date Topics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines 14 15 Learning Methodology Eng techniques in this course. There will be power-point slides that will be provided to the students, there will self- assessment assignments given to students so that they get to know their own selves better. In addition there will be links provided to videos for audio-visual learning on certain topics. There will be class discussions on several topics almost every week and students will also be required to review additional resources like Bloomberg Business Week, Wall Street Journal, etc. In my role as an instructor, I will try my best to guide you and facilitate the learning recess by creating a class environment that is open, communicative, and respectful with adequate and timely feedback to students.Classroom Protocols -ups: All assignments are due at the appointed day, date and time. If your assignment is not submitted on time, it is considered late and you receive a O for that assignment If you are not able to submit an assignment on time due to a good reason, please discuss that reason with me before hand. Students are encouraged to maintain a perfect pace with the class and submit their work on time. No late assignments will be accepted for grading. However, in certain cases some extra time can be allowed based on excused absences with proper documentation.See below for a list of excused absences. Excused absences are: ringworm presence with notice in advance. Note: Documentation can be provided by way of scanned copy or in person etc the instructor. Other than the above excused absences (which should be substantiated with a documentary proof), there is no room for make-up of exams, assignments, quizzes, or discussions and other assignments. So please do not email me with these requests!!! Grading Policy (including percentages for assignments, grade scale, etc.Grades will be based on individual assignments, group or individual projects or assignments, class participation/ discussion of exercise, quizzes. Remember that a letter grade of A is given to students who do exceptional work both in terms of quality and communication of ideas/information as well as the level of scholarship demonstrated. Simply completing assignments or meeting minimal requirements does not constitute A work. The quality of your work determines your grade. There is no curve for this course.Final Letter Grades will be determined by the following grading-scale table. The instructor reserves the right to adjust the scale depending on overall class performance. Grading Scale A 90% or higher B 80 to C 70 to D 60 to 69% F Less than -Point Allocation ; Quizzes 20% of grade ; In-class Activities 10% of grade ; Self-Assessment Reflection Essay 20% of grade ; Exams 50% of grade Quizzes: have a habit of testing my students periodically during the course by giving them question quizzes. These quizzes are based on subject materials covered in previous or the ongoing class sessions and may have true/false and/or multiple choice questions. There is no make-up for these quizzes. Quizzes will be in-class, on any given class session. In Class Activities: We learn best when we are active, therefore to promote class participation and active discussions there will be in-class activities every class session. During almost every class session, will have some activity and these will be graded based on your attempt quality.These could be discussion questions, exercises (individual or group), short case analysis, puzzles, opinion pieces, current events etc. Self Assessment Reflection Essay: You are required to turn in one self-reflection paper in this course. This paper is your reflection on yourself. In order to write this paper, you are required to first take an assessment test and then based on the score you get on the test, you are required to write one reflection paper. I am also providing you with the web-link (see below) where these three assessment tests can be accessed.ASSESSMENT TEST WEB-Link: http://personality-testing. Info/tests/BIG. PH ; l. Self-Assessment test on Personality As you can see, this self-assessment test covers your overall personality. This paper must not be less than 3 full pages nor more than 5 pages in Engel, 11- or 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced with 1 inch margins. In this paper, you will reflect upon what you learned about yourself from the assessment. You must share your score/results, the description of the scores, and/or individual test items in your reflection.Do you agree with your scores? Why or why not? You MUST include a section on how can you use these self-assessment to become more successful and effective in your personal relationships, group memberships, work, classes, or other aspects of your life? You are also expected and you must tie in theories/terms from the textbook and highlight hem in BOLD or CAPS. Only use terms that have some substance in them, do not just put anything that comes to your mind. Personal examples are required to back up your reflections.Reflection paper is due on their due date. No late self-assessment reflection papers will be accepted. Early submissions are welcome. No makeups. Late or missed assignments will get a Zeroed. Reflection papers will be graded as pass, Deficient, or Fail, based on the following grading scheme. Pass = Assignment fully completed, with terms and theories from the textbook used in your paper and highlighted in BOLD or CAPS, personal examples, on-time, scores revealed, and all the conditions listed above are duly met. Full points (100). Deficient = Any of the following missing: Misspellings, poor grammar, partial completion, insufficient critical reflection evident, No use of terms/theories, no-personal examples and any violation of the above requirements. Half points (50). Fail = Not enough effort to be considered deficient, not prepared according to requirements (length, margins, type, format), not timely submitted, or not done, no use of theories/terms from text, no personal examples. No points Exams: The exams will be conducted on appointed dates and times. The exams will be multiple-choice based.NO grading curve will be used. Make up exams are permitted only for excused absences. Please refer to the course schedule or university calendar for exact date and time. Academic Integrity, Student Conduct and Honesty HUFFS have rules and regulations for the orderly and efficient conduct of their business. It is the responsibility of each student to be knowledgeable about the rules and regulations which govern student conduct and activities. General information on student conduct and discipline is contained in HUFFS Bessie and College of Business Administration Office and updated each academic year.The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrate a high standard Of individual honor in his or her scholastic work. Academic honesty is the hallmark of this course and as a student of HUFFS you are required to abide by the Universitys academic honesty policy and the Student Honor Code. You must read the student handbook and know instructor Ads expectations from you and also your rights as a student.Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy cannot be the reasonable explanation for any violation. Any academic dishonesty in this class will not be tolerated. Rather, I take it as a personal offense to me if any of my students plagiarism, cheat or adopt dishonest means to do their work. If any student is found guilty of dishonesty, will give an automatic F or Failing Grade to that person and he/she will be eventually removed from my course. Withdrawal from Class The administration of this institution has set deadlines for withdrawal of any allege-level courses.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay Example
The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay Example The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay The First Amendment and its Impact on Education Patricia Thomas AED/204 Gail Cargile November 4, 2010 Battle over Pledge Arguments over the Pledge and specifically over the phrase â€Å"under God,†have caused people to wonder about the First Amendment stating â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. †California has already banned the Pledge in three public school districts due to the reference to God. Public schools are funded by the government and the phrase conflicts with the government’s endorsement of a religion. The phrase â€Å"under God†was not part of the original Pledge, it was added in 1954. Some argue that the phrase divides us on a religious basis. Students are not required to say the Pledge of Allegiance or they can say it, and just omit the â€Å"under God†phrase while reciting, the Supreme Court ruled in 1943. Battle over the Pledge. Weekly Reader News-Senior, 84 (10), 2. (2005). Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier Database on November 4, 2010. Stand on Ceremony Some say that school children understand that the Pledge of Allegiance is a patriotic exercise and not a religious one. Others are under the argument that a prayer in school or at school ceremonies puts the students and attendees in the midst of a religious ceremony. For example, graduation ceremonies typically will make some sort of religious reference whether through a speech or a prayer, but students do not have to attend graduation, they do have to attend school where the debate is over the Pledge. Some are arguing that the Pledge and other examples that are being used to show how religion has made its way into government functions are simply ceremonial and patriotic. Others argue that this interferes with the separation of church and state. Stand on Ceremony. New Republic, 229 (18), 11. (2003). Retrieved from Academic Search complete database on November 4, 2010. Is Student-Led Prayer at Public High School Football Games Unconstitutional? The Sante Fe Independent school district in 1995 adopted a policy that allowed students to select a classmate to deliver a â€Å"message or invocation†prior to home football games. Many students and their parents filed suit over the school policy stating that it was a violation of the First Amendment. Arguments are that it violates the student’s right to free speech however counter arguments are that allowing the students free speech will violate the Establishment Clause and the mandated separation of church and state. Sekulow, J. (2000). Is Student Led Prayer at Public High School Football Games Unconstitutional? Supreme Court Debates 3, (5), 142. Pro and Con. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier Database on November 4, 2010 Saving the Pledge The House of Representatives voted to strip the court of jurisdiction in September 2004 with the Pledge Protection Act not allowing any Pledge case to go through federal courts. The Pledge Protection Act prevents all federal courts from hearing cases that challenge the constitutionality of the Pledge. Those in favor of keeping the phrase â€Å"under God†in the Pledge should hope that the Senate will kill the Protection Act for it may increase the chance that â€Å"under God†will be found unconstitutional. This leaves some states to keep the phrase and some to dismiss it due to confusion in the courts. Students cannot be punished for not participating in the Pledge. The argument really comes down to interpretation of the phrase itself. Some say that the â€Å"under God†phrase is historical and patriotic and stands for what our country was founded for, freedoms. Other says that it was not part of the original Pledge and should be omitted. Munoz, V. , Saving the Pledge. First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, (149), 8-10. (2005). Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database on November 4, 2010.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Consumerism in china Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Consumerism in china - Essay Example It is estimated that in 2015, China will bring to the global arena a total of one hundred and fifty million consumers most of which will be spending close to forty thousand dollars in annual incomes. These staggering figures indicate that China will take centre stage to the world's biggest spender. (Davis, 2000) Experts assert that one of the major reasons behind this spending boom is that the Chinese posses characteristics similar to their American counterparts; they have a huge appetite for material things. Consequently, most of them are willing to embrace whichever products or commodities are presented to them. Consumerism is also determined by a country's overall population. Because of China's huge geographical size and their corresponding population sizes, China has a large internal market for purchasing items from the international arena and also from within their country. (Zhao, 1997) It should be noted that most people have assumed that the Chinese are too conservative with their money (this is true when compared to the US since China has a forty percent saving rate) but this may not necessarily have caused low expenditure in the nineteen nineties. At that time, most people were not interested in purchasing things because there was minimal competition in their product and service industries and this presented them with very few options to choose from. The latter issues have however changed over the past few years. This is largely manifested by the surge in the real estate or housing sector. Electronics goods available to the low end consumer can be found quite easily. The country's entertainment and sports arenas have grown by leaps and bounds and rising cities are found all over. These sectors all provide room for the Chinese buyer who is eager to spend his or her money. Problems brought by consumerism in China Most economists assert that China's rising consumerism will have an effect in almost all parts of the world. The United States will be particularly affected by this issue owing to the fact that different parts of the Stock market have to take these issues into account. For instance, treasury bonds sales are affected by China which currently accounts for a huge chunk of US debt (approximated at one hundred and eighty dollars) besides this, the US economy has to take into account some of the costs of goods and the interests rates that companies in the country have to tackle because of the goings on in China's market. (Edmund, 2006) Many experts assert that the growing consumerism within China is not a common trait in all parts of the country. Certain provinces such as Ningxia are subsistence based as most of them may not have the money or the ability to buy some of the luxury items that other provinces can afford. In fact, this pattern has been repeated in so many other areas in China. The urban areas are largely populated by many high income workers and this group is what makes up the consumer market. However, rural areas (which account for a large portion of China) are not in a similar position. Experts claim that the rising consumerism in China could lead to greater disparities between the rural poor and the urban rich. This may impede the overall development of the country. (Li, 2008) Many environmentalists also
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