Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Busy bee free essay sample
Suggested Course Materials None Course Description In this course we will cover some concepts and theories related to management and organizational behavior. The field of organizational behavior or B, as we generally call it, is the study of human behavior within organizations. That is, what people think, how they feel, why they think, feel and act in a certain way.If we can find answers to the above questions then we can exercise better control over human behavior and channeling it towards a more efficient and effective functioning of the organization. In this course we will study individuals singularly, as well as in the form of teams and roofs, and try to get an understanding of individual characteristics and group dynamics that shape individual attitudes and behaviors. In addition, we will also talk about some system level components like, organizational culture and major management functions. The main idea behind this course is to equip students with the knowledge to understand, predict and control human behavior and help their current or future organizations in becoming more efficient and effective managers Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes understand human behavior better and apply the knowledge to real life equines problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Busy bee or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page D differentiate between common sense and research based theory related to organizational behavior and apply the knowledge and concepts to real life situations. Individual learning, attitudes, values, motivation, group behaviors, leadership, management functions and organizational culture. Organizational behavior. Ere understanding of themselves through self-assessment and self-reflection. Assignments Academic Calendar (Topics, Reading Assignments, Due Dates, Exam Dates) Table 1 Course Schedule Week 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Date Topics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines 14 15 Learning Methodology Eng techniques in this course. There will be power-point slides that will be provided to the students, there will self- assessment assignments given to students so that they get to know their own selves better. In addition there will be links provided to videos for audio-visual learning on certain topics. There will be class discussions on several topics almost every week and students will also be required to review additional resources like Bloomberg Business Week, Wall Street Journal, etc. In my role as an instructor, I will try my best to guide you and facilitate the learning recess by creating a class environment that is open, communicative, and respectful with adequate and timely feedback to students.Classroom Protocols -ups: All assignments are due at the appointed day, date and time. If your assignment is not submitted on time, it is considered late and you receive a O for that assignment If you are not able to submit an assignment on time due to a good reason, please discuss that reason with me before hand. Students are encouraged to maintain a perfect pace with the class and submit their work on time. No late assignments will be accepted for grading. However, in certain cases some extra time can be allowed based on excused absences with proper documentation.See below for a list of excused absences. Excused absences are: ringworm presence with notice in advance. Note: Documentation can be provided by way of scanned copy or in person etc the instructor. Other than the above excused absences (which should be substantiated with a documentary proof), there is no room for make-up of exams, assignments, quizzes, or discussions and other assignments. So please do not email me with these requests!!! Grading Policy (including percentages for assignments, grade scale, etc.Grades will be based on individual assignments, group or individual projects or assignments, class participation/ discussion of exercise, quizzes. Remember that a letter grade of A is given to students who do exceptional work both in terms of quality and communication of ideas/information as well as the level of scholarship demonstrated. Simply completing assignments or meeting minimal requirements does not constitute A work. The quality of your work determines your grade. There is no curve for this course.Final Letter Grades will be determined by the following grading-scale table. The instructor reserves the right to adjust the scale depending on overall class performance. Grading Scale A 90% or higher B 80 to C 70 to D 60 to 69% F Less than -Point Allocation ; Quizzes 20% of grade ; In-class Activities 10% of grade ; Self-Assessment Reflection Essay 20% of grade ; Exams 50% of grade Quizzes: have a habit of testing my students periodically during the course by giving them question quizzes. These quizzes are based on subject materials covered in previous or the ongoing class sessions and may have true/false and/or multiple choice questions. There is no make-up for these quizzes. Quizzes will be in-class, on any given class session. In Class Activities: We learn best when we are active, therefore to promote class participation and active discussions there will be in-class activities every class session. During almost every class session, will have some activity and these will be graded based on your attempt quality.These could be discussion questions, exercises (individual or group), short case analysis, puzzles, opinion pieces, current events etc. Self Assessment Reflection Essay: You are required to turn in one self-reflection paper in this course. This paper is your reflection on yourself. In order to write this paper, you are required to first take an assessment test and then based on the score you get on the test, you are required to write one reflection paper. I am also providing you with the web-link (see below) where these three assessment tests can be accessed.ASSESSMENT TEST WEB-Link: http://personality-testing. Info/tests/BIG. PH ; l. Self-Assessment test on Personality As you can see, this self-assessment test covers your overall personality. This paper must not be less than 3 full pages nor more than 5 pages in Engel, 11- or 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced with 1 inch margins. In this paper, you will reflect upon what you learned about yourself from the assessment. You must share your score/results, the description of the scores, and/or individual test items in your reflection.Do you agree with your scores? Why or why not? You MUST include a section on how can you use these self-assessment to become more successful and effective in your personal relationships, group memberships, work, classes, or other aspects of your life? You are also expected and you must tie in theories/terms from the textbook and highlight hem in BOLD or CAPS. Only use terms that have some substance in them, do not just put anything that comes to your mind. Personal examples are required to back up your reflections.Reflection paper is due on their due date. No late self-assessment reflection papers will be accepted. Early submissions are welcome. No makeups. Late or missed assignments will get a Zeroed. Reflection papers will be graded as pass, Deficient, or Fail, based on the following grading scheme. Pass = Assignment fully completed, with terms and theories from the textbook used in your paper and highlighted in BOLD or CAPS, personal examples, on-time, scores revealed, and all the conditions listed above are duly met. Full points (100). Deficient = Any of the following missing: Misspellings, poor grammar, partial completion, insufficient critical reflection evident, No use of terms/theories, no-personal examples and any violation of the above requirements. Half points (50). Fail = Not enough effort to be considered deficient, not prepared according to requirements (length, margins, type, format), not timely submitted, or not done, no use of theories/terms from text, no personal examples. No points Exams: The exams will be conducted on appointed dates and times. The exams will be multiple-choice based.NO grading curve will be used. Make up exams are permitted only for excused absences. Please refer to the course schedule or university calendar for exact date and time. Academic Integrity, Student Conduct and Honesty HUFFS have rules and regulations for the orderly and efficient conduct of their business. It is the responsibility of each student to be knowledgeable about the rules and regulations which govern student conduct and activities. General information on student conduct and discipline is contained in HUFFS Bessie and College of Business Administration Office and updated each academic year.The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrate a high standard Of individual honor in his or her scholastic work. Academic honesty is the hallmark of this course and as a student of HUFFS you are required to abide by the Universitys academic honesty policy and the Student Honor Code. You must read the student handbook and know instructor Ads expectations from you and also your rights as a student.Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy cannot be the reasonable explanation for any violation. Any academic dishonesty in this class will not be tolerated. Rather, I take it as a personal offense to me if any of my students plagiarism, cheat or adopt dishonest means to do their work. If any student is found guilty of dishonesty, will give an automatic F or Failing Grade to that person and he/she will be eventually removed from my course. Withdrawal from Class The administration of this institution has set deadlines for withdrawal of any allege-level courses.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay Example
The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay Example The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay The First Amendment and its Impact on Education Patricia Thomas AED/204 Gail Cargile November 4, 2010 Battle over Pledge Arguments over the Pledge and specifically over the phrase â€Å"under God,†have caused people to wonder about the First Amendment stating â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. †California has already banned the Pledge in three public school districts due to the reference to God. Public schools are funded by the government and the phrase conflicts with the government’s endorsement of a religion. The phrase â€Å"under God†was not part of the original Pledge, it was added in 1954. Some argue that the phrase divides us on a religious basis. Students are not required to say the Pledge of Allegiance or they can say it, and just omit the â€Å"under God†phrase while reciting, the Supreme Court ruled in 1943. Battle over the Pledge. Weekly Reader News-Senior, 84 (10), 2. (2005). Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier Database on November 4, 2010. Stand on Ceremony Some say that school children understand that the Pledge of Allegiance is a patriotic exercise and not a religious one. Others are under the argument that a prayer in school or at school ceremonies puts the students and attendees in the midst of a religious ceremony. For example, graduation ceremonies typically will make some sort of religious reference whether through a speech or a prayer, but students do not have to attend graduation, they do have to attend school where the debate is over the Pledge. Some are arguing that the Pledge and other examples that are being used to show how religion has made its way into government functions are simply ceremonial and patriotic. Others argue that this interferes with the separation of church and state. Stand on Ceremony. New Republic, 229 (18), 11. (2003). Retrieved from Academic Search complete database on November 4, 2010. Is Student-Led Prayer at Public High School Football Games Unconstitutional? The Sante Fe Independent school district in 1995 adopted a policy that allowed students to select a classmate to deliver a â€Å"message or invocation†prior to home football games. Many students and their parents filed suit over the school policy stating that it was a violation of the First Amendment. Arguments are that it violates the student’s right to free speech however counter arguments are that allowing the students free speech will violate the Establishment Clause and the mandated separation of church and state. Sekulow, J. (2000). Is Student Led Prayer at Public High School Football Games Unconstitutional? Supreme Court Debates 3, (5), 142. Pro and Con. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier Database on November 4, 2010 Saving the Pledge The House of Representatives voted to strip the court of jurisdiction in September 2004 with the Pledge Protection Act not allowing any Pledge case to go through federal courts. The Pledge Protection Act prevents all federal courts from hearing cases that challenge the constitutionality of the Pledge. Those in favor of keeping the phrase â€Å"under God†in the Pledge should hope that the Senate will kill the Protection Act for it may increase the chance that â€Å"under God†will be found unconstitutional. This leaves some states to keep the phrase and some to dismiss it due to confusion in the courts. Students cannot be punished for not participating in the Pledge. The argument really comes down to interpretation of the phrase itself. Some say that the â€Å"under God†phrase is historical and patriotic and stands for what our country was founded for, freedoms. Other says that it was not part of the original Pledge and should be omitted. Munoz, V. , Saving the Pledge. First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, (149), 8-10. (2005). Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database on November 4, 2010.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Consumerism in china Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Consumerism in china - Essay Example It is estimated that in 2015, China will bring to the global arena a total of one hundred and fifty million consumers most of which will be spending close to forty thousand dollars in annual incomes. These staggering figures indicate that China will take centre stage to the world's biggest spender. (Davis, 2000) Experts assert that one of the major reasons behind this spending boom is that the Chinese posses characteristics similar to their American counterparts; they have a huge appetite for material things. Consequently, most of them are willing to embrace whichever products or commodities are presented to them. Consumerism is also determined by a country's overall population. Because of China's huge geographical size and their corresponding population sizes, China has a large internal market for purchasing items from the international arena and also from within their country. (Zhao, 1997) It should be noted that most people have assumed that the Chinese are too conservative with their money (this is true when compared to the US since China has a forty percent saving rate) but this may not necessarily have caused low expenditure in the nineteen nineties. At that time, most people were not interested in purchasing things because there was minimal competition in their product and service industries and this presented them with very few options to choose from. The latter issues have however changed over the past few years. This is largely manifested by the surge in the real estate or housing sector. Electronics goods available to the low end consumer can be found quite easily. The country's entertainment and sports arenas have grown by leaps and bounds and rising cities are found all over. These sectors all provide room for the Chinese buyer who is eager to spend his or her money. Problems brought by consumerism in China Most economists assert that China's rising consumerism will have an effect in almost all parts of the world. The United States will be particularly affected by this issue owing to the fact that different parts of the Stock market have to take these issues into account. For instance, treasury bonds sales are affected by China which currently accounts for a huge chunk of US debt (approximated at one hundred and eighty dollars) besides this, the US economy has to take into account some of the costs of goods and the interests rates that companies in the country have to tackle because of the goings on in China's market. (Edmund, 2006) Many experts assert that the growing consumerism within China is not a common trait in all parts of the country. Certain provinces such as Ningxia are subsistence based as most of them may not have the money or the ability to buy some of the luxury items that other provinces can afford. In fact, this pattern has been repeated in so many other areas in China. The urban areas are largely populated by many high income workers and this group is what makes up the consumer market. However, rural areas (which account for a large portion of China) are not in a similar position. Experts claim that the rising consumerism in China could lead to greater disparities between the rural poor and the urban rich. This may impede the overall development of the country. (Li, 2008) Many environmentalists also
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