Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The French Revolution
Bonaparte took over the government in France and created a monarchy, regressing society rather than progressing. There was also lack of leadership among the classes which prevented the revolutionaries from organizing successful movements and effective strategies. The revolutionaries did not have an army as skilled and disciplined as the government which also put them at a disadvantage. The revolution started in urban areas so citizens living in rural areas were unaware about the reasons for revolting. Common people had traditional views and customs so they were indifferent about a revolution. The revolution failed to recognize their goals, lacked support, weak military, and division between social classes. In the Class Struggles in†¦show more content†¦Along with capital, the class structure also included an industrial proletariat, and a petty bourgeoisie. Within these groups, there were different class fractions, The bourgeois class fell apart into two big fractions, which, alternately, the big landed proprietors under the restored monarchy and the finance aristocracy and the industrial bourgeoisie under the July monarchy, had maintained a monopoly of order. Marx also examined how the finance capital was dominant in France, while manufacturing played a less significant role. Marx always believed capitalism as an international phenomenon and thought that class struggles in one country were directly impacted by the economic developments of other countries. In 1848 he wrote that, French production relations are conditioned by the foreign trade of France, by her position on the world market and the laws thereof; how should France break them without a European revolutionary war, which would strike back at the despot of the world market, England? And equally, when discussing why there had been a revolution in France in February 1848, he noted that,the second great economic event which hastened the outbreak of the revolution, was a general commercial and ind ustrial crisis in England. The capitalist social relations of production and class struggle can only be understood within an international context.In his assessment of class struggles in France from 1848 toShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The American Revolution1535 Words  | 7 Pagesthe American Revolution, where the colonists sought freedom from King George III of England and Parliament. After fighting for years to gain their independence, the American colonies won the war. Even though the colonists faced several disadvantages during the American Revolution against the British, the determination of the soldiers, knowledge of the land, assistance from the French led the colonies to victory. 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